Saturday, August 31, 2019

Forward the Foundation Chapter 27

22 â€Å"Mr. Bindris,† said Hari Seldon, reaching out his hand to shake the other's. â€Å"I am so glad to be able to see you. It was good of you to agree to see me.† â€Å"Why not?† said Terep Bindris jovially. â€Å"I know you well. Or, rather, I know of you well.† â€Å"That's pleasant. I take it you've heard of psychohistory, then.† â€Å"Oh yes, what intelligent person hasn't? Not that I understand anything about it, of course. And who is this young lady you have with you?† â€Å"My granddaughter, Wanda.† â€Å"A very pretty young woman.† He beamed. â€Å"Somehow I feel I'd be putty in her hands.† Wanda said, â€Å"I think you exaggerate, sir.† â€Å"No, really. Now, please, sit down and tell me what it is I can do for you.† He gestured expansively with his arm, indicating that they be seated on two overstuffed, richly brocaded chairs in front of the desk at which he sat. The chairs, like the ornate desk, the imposing carved doors which had slid back noiselessly at their arrival signal, and the gleaming obsidian floor of Bindris's vast office, were of the finest quality. And, although his surroundings were impressive-and imposing-Bindris himself was not. The slight cordial man would not be taken, at first glance, for one of Trantor's leading financial powerbrokers. â€Å"We're here, sir, at the Emperor's suggestion.† â€Å"The Emperor?† â€Å"Yes, he could not help us, but he thought a man like you might be able to do so. The question, of course, is credits.† Bindris's face fell. â€Å"Credits?† he said. â€Å"I don't understand.† â€Å"Well,† said Seldon, â€Å"for nearly forty years, psychohistory has been supported by the government. However, times change and the Empire is no longer what it was.† â€Å"Yes, I know that.†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ â€Å"The Emperor lacks the credits to support us or, even if he did have the credits, he couldn't get the request for funding past the Legislature. He recommends, therefore, that I see businesspeople who, in the first place, still have credits and, in the second place, can simply write out a credit voucher.† There was a longish pause and Bindris finally said, â€Å"The Emperor, I'm afraid, knows nothing about business. -How many credits do you want?† â€Å"Mr. Bindris, we're talking about an enormous task. I'm going to need several million.† â€Å"Several million!† â€Å"Yes, sir.† Bindris frowned. â€Å"Are we talking about a loan here? When do you expect to be able to pay it back?† â€Å"Well, Mr. Bindris, I can't honestly say I ever expect to be able to pay it back. I'm looking for a gift.† â€Å"Even if I wanted to give you the credits-and let me tell you, for some strange reason I very much want to do so-I couldn't. The Emperor may have his Legislature, but I have my Board members. I can't make a gift of that sort without the Board's permission and they'll never grant it.† â€Å"Why not? Your firm is enormously wealthy. A few million would mean nothing to you.† â€Å"That sounds good,† said Bindris, â€Å"but I'm afraid that the firm is in a state of decline right now. Not sufficiently to bring us into serious trouble, but enough to make us unhappy. If the Empire is in a state of decay, different individual parts of it are decaying, too. We are in no position to hand out a few million. I'm truly sorry.† Seldon sat there silently and Bindris seemed unhappy. He shook his Head at last and said, â€Å"Look, Professor Seldon, I would really like to help you out, particularly for the sake of the young lady you have with you. It just can't be done. However, we're not the only firm in Trantor. Try others, Professor. You may have better luck elsewhere.† â€Å"Well,† said Seldon, raising himself to his feet with an effort, â€Å"we shall try.† 23 Wanda's eyes were filled with tears, but the emotion they represented was not sorrow but fury. â€Å"Grandpa,† she said, â€Å"I don't understand it. I simply don't understand it. We've been to four different firms. Each one was ruder and nastier to us than the one before. The fourth one just kicked us out. And since then, no one will let us in.† â€Å"It's no mystery, Wanda,† said Seldon gently. â€Å"When we saw Bindris, he didn't know what we were there for and he was perfectly friendly until I asked for a gift of a few million credits. Then he was a great deal less friendly. I imagine the word went out as to what we wanted and each additional time there was less friendliness until now, when people won't receive us at all. Why should they? They're not going to give us the credits we need, so why waste time with us?† Wanda's anger turned on herself. â€Å"And what did I do? I just sat there. Nothing.† â€Å"I wouldn't say that,† said Seldon. â€Å"Bindris was affected by you. It seems to me that he really wanted to give me the credits, largely because of you. You were pushing him and accomplishing something.† â€Å"Not nearly enough. Besides, all he cared about was that I was pretty.† â€Å"Not pretty,† muttered Seldon. â€Å"Beautiful. Very beautiful.† â€Å"So what do we do now, Grandpa?† asked Wanda. â€Å"After all these years, psychohistory will collapse.† â€Å"I suppose that,† said Seldon â€Å"in a way, it's something that can't be helped. I've been predicting the breakdown of the Empire for nearly forty years and now that it's come, psychohistory breaks down with it.† â€Å"But psychohistory will save the Empire, at least partly.† â€Å"I know it will, but I can't force it to.† â€Å"Are you just going to let it collapse?† Seldon shook his head. â€Å"I'll try to keep it from doing so, but I must admit that I don't know how I'm going to do it.† Wanda said, â€Å"I'm going to practice. There must be some way I can strengthen my push, make it easier for me to force people to do what I want them to do.† â€Å"I wish you could manage.† â€Å"What are you going to do, Grandpa?† â€Å"Well, nothing much. Two days ago, when I was on my way to see the Chief Librarian, I encountered three men in the Library who were arguing about psychohistory. For some reason, one of them impressed me very much. I urged him to come see me and he agreed. The appointment is for this afternoon at my office.† â€Å"Are you going to have him work for you?† â€Å"I would like to-if I have enough credits to pay him with. But it can't hurt to talk with him. After all, what can I lose?† 24 The young man arrived at precisely 4 T.S.T. (Trantorian Standard Time) and Seldon smiled. He loved punctual people. He placed his hands on his desk and made ready to heave to his feet, but the young man said, â€Å"Please, Professor, I know you have a bad leg. You needn't stand up.† Seldon said, â€Å"Thank you, young man. However, that does not mean that you cannot sit down. Please do.† The young man removed his jacket and sat down. Seldon said, â€Å"You must forgive me†¦ when we met and set up this appointment, I neglected to learn your name-which is†¦? â€Å"Stettin Palver,† said the young man. â€Å"Ah. Palver! Palver! The name sounds familiar.† â€Å"It should, Professor. My grandfather boasted frequently of having known you.† â€Å"Your grandfather. Of course. Joramis Palver. He was two years younger than I was, as I recall. I tried to get him to join me in psychohistory, but he refused. He said there was no chance of his ever learning enough mathematics to make it possible. Too bad! How is Joramis, by the way?† Palver said solemnly, â€Å"I'm afraid that Joramis has gone the way of old men generally. He's dead.† Seldon winced. Two years younger than he himself was-and dead. An old friend and they had lost touch to such a degree that, when death came, it did so unknowingly. Seldon sat there for a while and finally muttered, â€Å"I'm sorry.† The young man shrugged. â€Å"He had a good life.† â€Å"And you, young man, where did you have your schooling?† â€Å"Langano University.† Seldon frowned. â€Å"Langano? Stop me if I'm wrong, but that's not on Trantor, is it?† â€Å"No. I wanted to try a different world. The Universities on Trantor, as you undoubtedly know very well, are all overcrowded. I wanted to find a place where I could study in peace.† â€Å"And what did you study?† â€Å"Nothing much. History. Not the sort of thing that would lead one to a good job.† (Another wince, even worse than the first. Dors Venabili had been a historian.) Seldon said, â€Å"But you're back here on Trantor. Why is that?† â€Å"Credits. Jobs.† â€Å"As an historian?† Palver laughed. â€Å"Not a chance. I run a device that pulls and hauls. Not exactly a professional occupation.† Seldon looked at Palver with a twinge of envy. The contours of Palver's arms and chest were highlighted by the thin fabric of his shirt. He was well muscled. Seldon had never himself been quite that muscular. Seldon said, â€Å"I presume that when you were at the University, you were on the boxing team.† â€Å"Who, me? Never. I'm a Twister.† â€Å"A Twister!† Seldon's spirits jumped. â€Å"Are you from Helicon?† Palver said with a certain contempt, â€Å"You don't have to come from Helicon to be a good Twister.† No, thought Seldon, but that's where the best ones come from. However, he said nothing. He did say, though, â€Å"Well, your grandfather would not join me. How about you?† â€Å"Psychohistory?† â€Å"I heard you talking to the others when I first encountered you and it seemed to me that you were talking quite intelligently about psychohistory. Would you like to join me, then?† â€Å"As I said, Professor, I have a job.† â€Å"Pushing and hauling. Come, come.† â€Å"It pays well.† â€Å"Credits aren't everything.† â€Å"They're quite a bit. Now you, on the other hand, can't pay me much. I'm quite certain that you're short of credits.† â€Å"Why do you say that?† â€Å"I'm guessing, in a way, I suppose. But am I wrong?† Seldon's lips pressed together hard, then he said, â€Å"No, you're not wrong and I can't pay you much. I'm sorry. I suppose that ends our little interview.† â€Å"Wait, wait, wait.† Palver held up his hands. â€Å"Not quite so fast, please. We're still talking about psychohistory. If I work for you, I will be taught psychohistory, right?† â€Å"Of course.† â€Å"In that case, credits aren't everything, after all. I'll make you a deal. You teach me all the psychohistory you can and you pay me whatever you can and I'll get by somehow. How about it?† â€Å"Wonderful,† said Seldon joyously. â€Å"That sounds great. Now, one more thing.† â€Å"Oh?† â€Å"Yes. I've been attacked twice in recent weeks. The first time my son came to my defense, but he has since gone to Santanni. The second time I made use of my lead-filled walking stick. It worked, but I was dragged before a magistrate and accused of assault and battery-â€Å" â€Å"Why the attacks?† interjected Palver. â€Å"I am not popular. I have been preaching the Fall of the Empire for so long that, now that it is coming, I am blamed for it.† â€Å"I see. Now then, what does all that have to do with the one more thing you mentioned?† â€Å"I want you to be my bodyguard. You're young, you're strong, and, most of all, you're a Twister. You're exactly what I need.† â€Å"I suppose it can be managed,† Palver said with a smile. 25 â€Å"See there, Stettin,† Seldon said as the two were taking an early evening stroll in one of Trantor's residential sectors near Streeling. The older man pointed to debris-assorted refuse jettisoned from passing groundcars or dropped by careless pedestrians-strewn along the walkway. â€Å"In the old days,† Seldon continued, â€Å"you would never see litter like this. The security officers were vigilant and municipal maintenance crews provided round-the-clock upkeep of all public areas. But, most important, no one would even think of dumping his trash in such a manner. Trantor was our home; we took pride in it. Now†-Seldon shook his head sadly, resignedly, and sighed-â€Å"it's-† He broke off abruptly. â€Å"You there, young man!† Seldon shouted at a ill-kempt fellow who had moments before passed them, going in the opposite direction. He was munching a treat just popped into his mouth; the wrapper had been tossed to the ground without so much as a downward glance. â€Å"Pick that up and dispose of it properly,† Seldon admonished as the young man eyed him sullenly. â€Å"Pick it up yourself,† the boy snarled and then he turned and walked away. â€Å"It's another sign of society's breakdown, as predicted by your psychohistory, Professor Seldon,† Palver said. â€Å"Yes, Stettin. All around us the Empire is falling apart, piece by piece. In fact, it's already smashed-there's no turning back now. Apathy, decay, and greed have all played their parts in destroying the once-glorious Empire. And what will take its place? Why-â€Å" Here Seldon broke off at the sight of Palver's face. The younger man seemed to be listening intently-but not to Seldon's voice. His head was cocked to one side and his face had a far-off look. It was as if Palver were straining to hear some sound inaudible to everyone but himself. Suddenly he snapped back to the here and now. With an urgent glance around them, Palver took hold of Seldon's arm. â€Å"Hari, quick, we must get away. They're coming†¦Ã¢â‚¬  And then the still evening was broken by the harsh sound of rapidly approaching footsteps. Seldon and Palver spun around, but it was too late; a band of attackers was upon them. This time, however, Hari Seldon was prepared. He immediately swung his cane in a wide arc around Palver and himself. At this, the three attackers-two boys and a girl, all teenage ruffians-laughed. â€Å"So, you're not goin' to make it easy, are you, old man?† snorted the boy who appeared to be the group's ringleader. â€Å"Why, me and my buddies, we'll take you out in two seconds flat. We'll-† All of a sudden, the ringleader was down, the victim of a perfectly placed Twist-kick to his abdomen. The two ruffians who were still standing quickly dropped to a crouch in preparation for attack. But Palver was quicker. They, too, were felled almost before they knew what hit them. And then it was over-almost as soon as it started. Seldon stood off to the side, leaning heavily on his cane, shaking at the thought of his narrow escape. Palver, panting slightly from exertion, surveyed the scene. The three attackers were out cold on the deserted walkway under the darkening dome. â€Å"Come on, let's get out of here quickly!† Palver urged again, only this time it was not the attackers they would be fleeing. â€Å"Stettin, we can't leave,† protested Seldon. He gestured toward the unconscious would-be muggers. â€Å"They're really nothing more than children. They may be dying. How can we just walk away? It's inhumane-that's what it is-and humanity is exactly what I've been working all these years to protect.† Seldon struck the ground with his cane for emphasis and his eyes gleamed with conviction. â€Å"Nonsense,† retorted Palver. â€Å"What's inhumane is the way muggers like that prey on innocent citizens like you. Do you think they'd have given you a second thought? They'd just as soon stick a knife in your gut to steal your last credit-and then kick you as they ran! They'll come to soon enough and slink away to lick their wounds. Or someone will find them and call the central office. â€Å"But, Hari, you must think. After what happened last time, you stand to lose everything if you're linked to another beating. Please, Hari, we must run!† With this, Palver grabbed Seldon's arm and Seldon after a List backward glance, allowed himself to be led away. As the footsteps of the rapidly departing Seldon and Palver diminished in the distance, another figure emerged from his hiding place behind some trees. Chuckling to himself, the sullen-eyed youth muttered, â€Å"You're a fine one to tell me what's right and what's wrong, Professor.† With that, he spun on his heel and headed off to summon the security officers. 26 â€Å"Order! I will have order!† bellowed Judge Tejan Popjens Lih. The public hearing of Professor Raven Seldon and his young associate, Stettin Palver, had generated a hue and cry among the populace of Trantor. Here was the man who had predicted the Fall of the Empire, the decay of civilization, who exhorted others to harken back to the golden age of civility and order-here was he who, according to an eyewitness, had ordered the brutal beating of three young Trantorians for no apparent provocation. Ah yes, it promised to be a spectacular hearing, one which would lead, no doubt, to an even more spectacular trial. The judge pressed a contact set into a recessed panel on her bench and a sonorous gong resounded through the packed courtroom. â€Å"I will have order,† she repeated to the now-hushed throng. â€Å"If need be, the courtroom will be cleared. That is a warning. It will not be repeated.† The judge cut an imposing figure in her scarlet robe. Originally from the Outer World of Lystena, Lih's complexion had a slight bluish cast, which turned darker when she became exercised, practically purple when she was really angry. It was rumored that, for all her years on the bench, in spite of her reputation as a top judicial mind, notwithstanding her position as one of the most revered interpreters of Imperial law, Lih was ever so slightly vain about the colorful appearance she gave, the way in which the bright red robes set off her soft turquoise skin. Nevertheless, Lih had a reputation for coming down hard on those who brooked Imperial law; she was one of the few judges left who upheld the civil code without wavering. â€Å"I have heard of you, Professor Seldon, and your theories about our imminent destruction. And I have spoken with the magistrate who recently heard another case in which you were involved, one in which you struck a man with your lead-filled cane. In that instance, too, you claimed to be the victim of assault. Your reasoning stemmed, I believe, from a previous unreported incident in which you and your son allegedly were assaulted by eight hoodlums. You were able to convince my esteemed colleague, Professor Seldon of your plea of self-defense, even though an eyewitness testified otherwise. This time, Professor, you will have to be much more convincing.† The three hoodlums who were bringing charges against Seldon and Palver snickered in their seats at the plaintiff's table. They presented a much different appearance today than they had the evening of the attack. The young men were sporting clean loose-fitting unisuits; the young lady was wearing a crisply pleated tunic. All in all, if one didn't look (or listen) too closely, the three presented a reassuring picture of Trantorian youth. Seldon's lawyer, Civ Novker (who was representing Palver as well), approached the bench. â€Å"Your Honor, my client is an upstanding member of the Trantorian community. He is a former First Minister of stellar repute. He is a personal acquaintance of our Emperor Agis XIV. What possible benefit could Professor Seldon derive from attacking innocent young people? He is one of the most vocal proponents of stimulating the intellectual creativity of Trantorian youth-his Psychohistory Project employs numerous student volunteers; he is a beloved member of the Streeling University faculty. â€Å"Further-† Here Novker paused, sweeping his gaze around the packed courtroom, as if to say, Wait till you hear this-you'll be ashamed that you ever for a second doubted the veracity of my client's claims, â€Å"Professor Seldon is one of the very few private individuals officially allied with the prestigious Galactic Library. He has been granted unlimited use of Library facilities for work on what he calls the Encyclopedia Galactica, a veritable paean to Imperial civilization. â€Å"I ask you, how can this man even be questioned in such a matter?† With a flourish of his arm, Novker gestured toward Seldon who was sitting at the defendant's table with Stettin Palver, looking decidedly uncomfortable. Hari's cheeks were flushed from the unaccustomed praise (after all, lately his name was the subject of derisive snickers rather than flowery plaudits) and his hand shook slightly on the carved Dandle of his trusty cane. Judge Lih gazed down at Seldon clearly unimpressed. â€Å"What benefit, indeed, Counselor. I have been asking myself that very question. I've lain make these past nights, racking my brains for a plausible reason. Why should a man of Professor Seldon's stature commit unprovoked assault and battery when he himself is one of our most outspoken critics of the so-called ‘breakdown' of civil order? â€Å"And then it dawned on me. Perhaps, in his frustration at not being believed, Professor Seldon feels he must prove to the worlds that his predictions of doom and gloom really are coming to pass. After all, here is a man who has spent his entire career foretelling the Fall of the Empire and all he can really point to are a few burned-out bulbs in the dome, an occasional glitch in public transport, a budget cut here or there-nothing very dramatic. But an attack-or two or three-now, that would be something.† Lih sat back and folded her hands in front of her, a satisfied expression on her face. Seldon stood, leaning heavily on the table for support. With great effort, he approached the bench, waving off his lawyer, walking headlong into the steely gaze of the judge. â€Å"Your Honor, please permit me to say a few words in my defense.† â€Å"Of course, Professor Seldon. After all, this is not a trial, only a hearing to air all allegations, facts, and theories pertinent to the** case before deciding whether or not to go ahead with a trial. I have merely expressed a theory; I am most interested to hear what you have to say.† Seldon cleared his throat before beginning. â€Å"I have devoted my life to the Empire. I have faithfully served the Emperors. My science of psychohistory, rather than being a harbinger of destruction, is intended to be used as an agent for rejuvenation. With it we can be prepared for whatever course civilization takes. If, as I believe, the Empire continues to break down, psychohistory will help us put into place building blocks for a new and better civilization founded on all that is good from the old. I love our worlds, our peoples, our Empire-what would it behoove me to contribute to the lawlessness that saps its strength daily? â€Å"I can say no more. You must believe me. I, a man of intellect, of equations, of science-I am speaking from my heart.† Seldon turned and made his way slowly back to his chair beside Palver. Before sitting, his eyes sought Wanda, sitting in the spectators' gallery. She smiled wanly and winked at him. â€Å"From the heart or not, Professor Seldon, this decision will require much thought on my part. We have heard from your accusers; we have heard from you and Mr. Palver. There is one more party whose testimony I need. I'd like to hear from Rial Nevas, who has come forward as an eyewitness to this incident.† As Nevas approached the bench, Seldon and Palver looked at each other in alarm. It was the boy whom Hari had admonished just before the attack. Lih was asking the youth a question. â€Å"Would you describe, Mr. Nevas, exactly what you witnessed on the night in question?† â€Å"Well,† started Nevas, fixing Seldon with his sullen stare, â€Å"I was walkin' along, mindin' my own business, when I saw those two,†-he turned and pointed at Seldon and Palver-â€Å"on the other side of the walkway, comin' toward me. And then I saw those three kids.† (Another point of the finger, this time toward the three sitting at the plaintiff's table.) â€Å"The two older guys were walkin' behind the kids. They didn't see me, though, on account of I was on the other side of the walkway and besides, they were concentratin' on their victims. Then wham! Just like that, that old guy swings at 'em with his stick, then the younger guy jumps 'em and kicks 'em and before you know it, they're all down on the ground. Then the old guy and his pal, they just took off, just like that. I couldn't believe it.† â€Å"That's a lie!† Seldon exploded. â€Å"Young man, you're playing with our lives here!† Nevas only stared back at Seldon impassively. â€Å"Judge,† Seldon implored, â€Å"can't you see that he is lying? I remember this fellow. I scolded him for littering just minutes before we were attacked. I pointed it out to Stettin as another instance of the breakdown of our society, the apathy of the citizenry, the-â€Å" â€Å"Enough, Professor Seldon,† commanded the judge. â€Å"Another outburst like that and I will have you ejected from this courtroom. Now, Mr. Nevas,† she said, turning back to the witness. â€Å"What did you do throughout the sequence of events you just described?† â€Å"I, uh, I hid. Behind some trees. I hid. I was afraid they'd come after me if they saw me, so I hid. And when they were gone, well, I ran and called the security officers.† Nevas had started to sweat and he inserted a finger into the constricting collar of his unisuit. He fidgeted, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he stood on the raised speaker's platform. He was uncomfortably aware of the crowd's eyes upon him; he tried to avoid looking into the audience, but each time he did, he found himself drawn to the **toady gaze of a pretty blond girl sitting in the first row. It was as if she was asking him a question, pressing him for an answer, willing him to **peak. â€Å"Mr. Nevas, what do you have to say about Professor Seldon's allegation that he and Mr. Palver did see you prior to the attack, that the professor actually exchanged words with you?† â€Å"Well, uh, no, you see, it was just like I said†¦ I was walkin' along and-† And now Nevas looked over at Seldon's table. Seldon looked at the young man sadly, as if he realized all was lost. But Seldon's companion, Stettin Palver, turned a fierce gaze on Nevas and Nevas jumped, startled, at the words he heard: Tell the truth! It was as if Palver had spoken, but Palver's lips hadn't moved. And then, confused, Nevas snapped his head in the direction of the blond girl; he thought he heard her speak-Tell the truth!-but her lips were still as well. â€Å"Mr. Nevas, Mr. Nevas,† the judge's voice broke in on the youth's jumbled thoughts. â€Å"Mr. Nevas, if Professor Seldon and Mr. Palver were walking toward you, behind the three plaintiffs, how is it that you noticed Seldon and Palver first? That is how you put it in your statement, is it not?† Nevas glanced around the courtroom wildly. He couldn't seem to escape the eyes, all the eyes screaming at him to Tell the truth! Looking over at Hari Seldon, Rial Nevas said simply, â€Å"I'm sorry† and, to the amazement of the entire courtroom assemblage, the fourteen-year-old boy started to cry.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Business Law Cases Essay

The case presented here falls under the doctrine of Contract Act, 1872 and especially under the provisions regarding breach and remedies for breach of a contract. When the rights and responsibilities arising out of a contract are extinguished, the contract is said to be dissolved or terminated. A contract may be dissolved in any of the following ways: 1. By Agreement: A contract can be terminated by an agreement between the same parties who entered into the contract with mutual agreement. 2. By Performance: As the parties into the contract complete performance of their shares of promises a contract in terminated. 3. By Frustration: A contract can be terminated by the impossibility in the fulfillment of the purpose of the parties in entering into a contract. 4. By Breach: When a contract is not honored by one or more of the parties to the contract by non-performance or interference with the other party’s performance. 5. By Operation on Law: Discharge of a contract by operation of law may occur by merger, by insolvency or by alteration of the written document. In the case in concern, Nike (BD) Ltd. enters into a contract with Sunshine Fabrics for supply of 50,000 pcs of T-shirt as per sample and design. One of the provision/ stipulation of the said contract was that-â€Å"the Sunshine Fabrics would not sell to his other customers for a period of 2 years any T-shirt of the same design and description†. Eventually the said design T-shirt (of Nike) became very popular in Bangladesh and, many retail shops show keen interest to buy them at higher price and as such, Sunshine Fabrics started selling them to different shops ignoring their contract with Nike (BD) Ltd. This is a clear case of breach of contract. A breach of contract is failure to perform as stated in the contract. When a contract is broken the party who suffers on account of it has one or other of the following remedies: 1. Damage: Damages are moneytary compensation allowed to the injured party for the loss or injury suffered by him as a result of the brach of contract. 2. Specific Performance: Specific performance means the actual carrying out of the contract as agreed. 3. Injunction : Injunction is an order of a court restraining a person from doing a particular act. It is a mode of securing the specific performance of the negetive terms of a contrct. 4. Cancellation of the instrument: When there is a breach of contract by one party, the other party may rescind the contract and need not perform his part of obligations under the contract. 5. Rectification of the instrument: When through fraud or mutual mistake of the parties a contract or other instrument in writing does not truly express their intention; either party or his representative in interest may institute a suit to have the instrument rectified. In the case personated Nike (BD) Ltd. s the party who is the sufferer of the breach of contract. Along with damage, Nike (BD) Ltd. can also file a suit for injunction and cancellation of the instrument. The fundamental principle underlying damages is not punishment but compensation. By awarding damages the court aims to put the injured party into the position in which he would have been, had there been performance and not breach, and not to punish the defaulter party. As a general rule, â€Å"compensation must be commensurate with the injury or loss sustained, arising naturally from the breach. Where the party has suffered no damage on account of the breach, the court may still award him nominal damages in recognition of his right. In this case, Nike (BD) Ltd. has suffered an actual loss which arose in the usual course of things from the breach. Thus Nike can claim substantial damage to compensate its suffering. Injunction is a discretionary remedy of the Court. An injunction may be temporary or perpetual. Where a party is in breach of negative term of a contract, the court may, by issuing an injunction, restrain him from doing from what it is promised not to do. Thus injunction is a preventive relief. Since in this case, Sunshine Fabrics is doing an act (selling T-shirts of the particular design) which it promised not to do Nike (BD) Ltd. can file a suit claiming injunction. Along with claiming damages and injunction Nike (BD) Ltd. can also apply for cancellation of the instrument. If one or more of the major provisions of a contract is broken the party suffering from it can apply for cancellation of the instrument. If one or more of the minor provisions is broken the sufferer party can apply for damages but not cancellation of the instrument. In this case Sunshine Fabrics has broken a major provision of the contract. So, Nike (BD) Ltd. can apply for cancellation of the instrument. In reply of Nike (BD) Ltd. ’s legal notice Sunshine Fabrics asserts that the contract which they signed with Nike (BD) Ltd. is, in fact, void, in as much as, the same is in restraint of trade. Sunshine Fabric’s assertion is however unjustified. The agreement stating -â€Å"the Sunshine Fabrics would not sell to his other customers for a period of 2 years any T-shirt of the same design and description† is not in restraint of trade rather merely â€Å"restraining freedom of action†. Thus we can conclude that, every thing else being equal, the case is in very much favor of Nike (BD) Ltd. Sunshine Fabric’s claim of the contract’s being â€Å"void† has no legal grounds. However, if Sunshine Fabrics can anyway prove that its agreement of not selling any T-shirt of the same description to its other customers for a period of 2 years was a minor provision of the contract, Nike (BD) would not be able to cancel the contract but still would be awarded damage and, on the Court’s discretion, injunction.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

NAFTA Opposing View Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

NAFTA Opposing View - Essay Example Its nice to paint such a bleak picture, however, what the report fails to state are the overwhelmingly positive aspects of NAFTA especially in regards to job creation. Losing 766,000 jobs from the manufacturing sector compared to creating millions of new jobs in the service sector, is a comparison the report failed to make. Jobs in the service sector normally pay a higher average salary, thereby affording individuals an improved lifestyle. Many of the individuals that complain about those lost jobs in the manufacturing sector are people who have not seized the opportunity to educate (or re-educate) oneself in the more lucrative industries which America's society seems to be moving towards. The report also states that NAFTA has not helped anyone but the companies, and the investors in those companies that use NAFTA to import and export goods and services to those three countries. Only those people who work for companies that advantageously use NAFTA, benefit from that usage Are those companies comprised of robots There are no people that take their earnings and go spend them (helping the economy) from those companies coffers There aren't other companies that supply or sell services to those import/export companies The people that work for those other companies work for free Those questions are answered by those companies that continue to suppl

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

If Crime is Normal why is so much Effort Devoted to its Control Essay

If Crime is Normal why is so much Effort Devoted to its Control - Essay Example Every human being has free will and free choice, they have the mentality to know right from wrong and they choose what path to take. This, from a sociological and psychological perspective is considered to be normal behavior in society. Thereby criminal intentions and actions are norms in the world even though they go against the very morals that societies have established. This is perhaps why law enforcement attempts to control and minimize these adversities even though they are everyday forms of existence as well. Again, even though crime is an existential part of existence, it is considered by many to be similar to a plague that has not been able to be washed away from society completely and therefore has remained for decades. Because of this many theorizations about crime have developed to analyze why it exists, why it has become something that is looked upon as normal, and what the causes of it actually are as well. Dolan, a criminological researcher, and writer (1994) claim that crime has become something so familiar in society, basically due to the classical socioeconomic causes of it. This can be traced as far back as the 15th century in England, when a crime was at times rampant and extremely violent, more so than it even is today. Crime in the 1500's took on the form of petty treason among servants and sometimes even the owners of these servants as well. From this it developed into more severe atrocities in society, sometimes becoming murder where the deceitful wife killed her husband as he slept, and even on to more dramatic forms of crime that took England by storm such as the crimes of "Jack the Ripper" (Valier 2003, pg. 34). The issues of crime in society are at times spell-binding and even terrifying as they take many forms and have the capability of taking place anywhere at any time, again placing them as a severe adversity in society, but quite normal activity among human beings all over the world.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Apple Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Apple - Case Study Example The consumers of Apple all over the world are highly gadget friendly in nature and they loves to explore the latest innovative features, that are provided by Apple products, even if that means availing the product at a high price. Answer 2 In the first case the company is required to develop or enhance its communication strategy with the consumers. Strategies to develop marketing communication happen to alter from company to company depending on differences in marketing and budget objectives. Different tools related to enhanced marketing communications related to advertising, conducting public relations campaigning, marketing through internet medium and also in rendering sales promotions in the form of discounts and rebates as displayed under would contribute in attracting and sustaining the consumers (Belch and Belch, 2003, p.16). Figure 1 (Belch and Belch, 2003, p.16) The second theoretical model relates to the mode of enhancement of relationships with the consumer force. Building of effective relationship with the consumers through addressing queries both before and after sales and rendering proper services happens to enhance the psychological and emotional involvement of the consumer to the brand. This sense of gratitude to the favour obtained reciprocates the consumer’s intention to repurchase and thereby develops a long term relationship as reflected below (Palmatier, 2008, p.27). Figure 2 (Palmatier, 2008, p.27) Answer 3 Product: The product offering of the company comprises of a highly diversified product portfolio comprising of Apple Mac, IPod, I phones, I pads etc. Talking in these lines, it can be said that the company also offers an array of services that are complementing in nature to the products of the company [Apple, 2012, p.2]. Place: The products of the company are highly distributed in multiple markets around the world because of the global customer base of Apple. Promotion: Since, Apple is a widely popular brand in the market, it can be said that the products of the company is sold on the demand created by its brand value. The promotion efforts of the company mainly comprises of the factors of providing online promotions through the company’s website as well as YouTube awareness videos. The company also uses the traditional marketing channels to communicate the values and features of its products to consumers around the globe. Price: The products of Apple are high on quality and innovative features. As a matter of fact, it can be said that the company products are labeled at a premium price, in an effort to cover up the high costs of innovations that are necessary in technology products for the purpose of gaining competitive advantage. Answer 4 The 2001 period was considered critical enough for Apple Inc owing to the emergence of global recession. The sales of the company had drastically fallen from $8 billion a year earlier to only $5.7 billion. Moreover the company had also incurred a huge loss of $344 million with sales and gross margins collapsing drastically in many regions. The company was required to revamp its product architecture through the mode of extensive product development and expansion activities along its different portfolios to return to the growth stage of the product cycle. Secondly the company was also required to enhance its market penetration activities through the use of discounts and promotions to attract the consumers. Answer 5 The risk of new entrants: It is not easy for the new entrants to gain market share. The consumers in this industry like to stick with the existing brands even if the prices of the products are a touched

Monday, August 26, 2019

Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Analysis - Essay Example Verification of requirements will ensure that people define them correctly. This will imply that they will be of acceptable quality. The institute should ensure that the management effectively revises the various requirements that defective. The management should assign a business analyst the role of ensuring that the requirements are ready for review by customers. They should also ensure that they contain all information that workers require for further work (Carkenord 36). The institute should verify both input and output requires for efficient results to attain efficient results. The main purpose of validate requirements is to ensure that the various requirements support delivery of value to an entity, fulfill its goals, and meet the needs of stakeholders. Brisbane Institute of Art (BIA) should validate requirements to ensure that stakeholders, solution, and transition requirements are in line with the requirements of business. The management should come up with assumptions concerning customers and stakeholders response on the services they offer. This will enable them to acquire vital information concerning the introduction of the unprecedented product or service (Carkenord 42). The institute should define an evaluation criterion that is measurable. The evaluation criteria should show whether the resulting change is successful. This criterion will indicate performance and thus ensuring that one chooses an appropriate criterion. This refers to the value that a solution delivers and which meets the scope of solution. In case a solution does not give either direct or indirect value to stakeholders, then they should eliminate it. There are requirements that have value to stakeholders and not desirable part of a solution. The management of the institution should consider the opportunity cost that would arise in investing in this institution. Opportunity cost is the benefit that one accrues as a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Why are Oligopolies Tempted to Collude Even if it Means Breaking the Essay

Why are Oligopolies Tempted to Collude Even if it Means Breaking the Law - Essay Example A firm achieves maximum profits when it operates where its marginal revenue equals marginal cost (MC=MR). However, it is mostly not as easy as a question of operating at this point; the more competition the firm faces, the lesser it will be able to manipulate the consumers for its own economic gain (Sloman and Wride, 2009). The two extremes in market structures are (i) Perfect Competition and (ii) Monopoly. However, in real life, firms often operate somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. Such market structures are characterized by Imperfect Competition. There are two main kinds of markets that practice imperfect competition: (i) Monopolistic Competition and (ii) Oligopolies. Some famous oligopolistic firms are Pepsi, Coke, Nike, Adidas, Reebok and Nintendo (Sloman and Wride, 2009). In an oligopoly, the number of competitors is less and limited and there are high barriers which prevent frequent entry of new firms into the market. Barriers of entry may be created in the form of brand names, sunk costs, firm size, economies of scale, and large firm advantage (Boyes and Melvin, 2009). Competition between firms in an oligopolistic market is high and intense, it sometimes leads to price wars which become extremely detrimental for their effective functioning. In other instances, these firms choose to collude amongst themselves to minimize the downsides of operating in an oligopolistic market and to simultaneously maximize their profits. The products these firms make can either be differentiated or homogenous. Depending on the product type, there emerge two distinct kinds of oligopolies: pure oligopolies which produce homogenous products, for example the steel industry. Sometimes, however, an oligopoly may produce differentiated products; such oligopolies are called impure oligopolies. An example of such an oligopoly would be the automobile industry. The demand curve for both types of oligopolistic firms is downward sloping and fairly inelastic, there is also a degree of dependency on the reactions of competitor firms to price changes. Another key feature is mutual interdependence, which means that each firm is affected by the actions of its competitors and thus, whenever any firm is going to take an action, it does so with its competitors’ possible reactions in mind. Due to these circumstances there is a high degree of uncertainty in an oligopolistic industry because firms can never accurately predict how exactly their competitors will react to their actions and this any sort of action involves an inherent degree of risk (Sloman and Wride, 2009). In oligopolistic markets, there is price rigidity because setting product price is not at one firm discretion but a decision in which all firms are factored in. If one firm lowers price below market price, this can cause a price war where all firms start lowering their prices to match the initial decrease and this will continue and form a vicious downward price spiral. However, if one fir m raises its price above set market price, no other firm will raise its price to match it and the firm who raised prices will lose out as all its customers will shift to competitor firms who have the old, lower price (Bhaskar, 2007). Thus, in an oligopolistic market, prices mostly remain rigid and are not often seen increasing or decreasing as the prices in a perfectly competitive market that respond to the dynamic demand and supply levels. Therefore, the demand curve faces a kink at the existing market price level and market price will not change for small changes in production cost etc. (Sen, 2004). This is shown in the diagram below:

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Jazz Concert Report CA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jazz Concert Report CA - Assignment Example The audience consisted of people from all walks of life and cut across all age-groups. Nevertheless, the appeal of jazz on young people like was intriguing. Many students and youth who were already out of college were in attendance. From the yells and screams they were producing, it was clear they were enjoying every second of the show. The concert featured one of the most popular jazz musicians in New York, Ari Hoenig. Ari Hoenig has a small super jazz band. It did not take long for the small band to work the audience into frenzy. The group’s performing forces are both instruments and voices. Drums, violins, guitars among other instruments combined with the band’s voices to produce compelling music. The first song of the night was Lines of Oppression. Hoenig brought it out powerfully by amazingly working on his drums in a manner that took drumming to the next level. He almost made the drums sound like horns before settling down into a loose swing groove (Kelman n.p.). The song started off in a pianissimo but somewhere in the middle rose to a crescendo before leveling out. The reason for this arrangement was to bring out the intended mood of restlessness which often results from oppression. The texture of the song is basically polyphonic with the effect of heightening the musicality of the performance. The voices of the singers blend beautifully with the various instruments used. The tempo, however, keeps changing throughout the rendition. This is in keeping with the song’s expressionistic sonority because Lines of Oppression is largely emotional. Consequently, the artiste was able to grip the audience throughout the performance. Generally, Ari Hoenig was able to reach out to the hearts of his audience throughout the performance. The second performance of the night was Wedding song. The song dispels the impression that Hoenig is

MARKETING PRACTICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

MARKETING PRACTICE - Essay Example The rationale iÃ'• that the more a company underÃ'•tandÃ'• and meetÃ'• the real needÃ'• of itÃ'• conÃ'•umerÃ'•, the more likely it iÃ'• to have happy cuÃ'•tomerÃ'• who come back for more, and tell their friendÃ'•. ThiÃ'• proceÃ'•Ã'• can entail the foÃ'•tering of long term relationÃ'•hipÃ'• with cuÃ'•tomerÃ'•. In order to determine cuÃ'•tomer wantÃ'•, the company uÃ'•ually needÃ'• to conduct Ã'•ome form of marketing reÃ'•earch. Overall, the marketer expectÃ'• that becoming marketing oriented, if done correctly, will provide the company with a Ã'•uÃ'•tainable competitive advantage. The concept of marketing orientation waÃ'• developed in the late 1960Ã'• and early 1970Ã'• at Harvard UniverÃ'•ity and at a handful of forward thinking companieÃ'•. It replaced the previouÃ'• Ã'•aleÃ'• orientation that waÃ'• prevalent between the mid 1950Ã'• and the early 1970Ã'•, and the production orientation that predominated prior to the mid 1950Ã'•. Ð…ince the concept waÃ'• firÃ'•t introduced in the late 1960Ã'•, it haÃ'• been modified, repackaged, and renamed aÃ'• "cuÃ'•tomer focuÃ'•", "the marketing philoÃ'•ophy", "market driven", "cuÃ'•tomer intimacy", "conÃ'•umer focuÃ'•", "cuÃ'•tomer driven", and "the marketing concept". The market orientation that a firm adoptÃ'• varieÃ'• depending on the product life cycle, the level of competition within the market, and external factorÃ'• Ã'•uch aÃ'• the economic environment. CompanieÃ'• are likely to modify their market orientation over the life cycle of a particular product, and it iÃ'• common for a Ã'•ingle company to have different productÃ'• with different orientationÃ'•. There iÃ'• no one orientation that iÃ'• appropriate for all productÃ'•, and the changing environment and global market in which todayÃ'• companieÃ'• operate mean that orientationÃ'• are likely to undergo rapid change. DeÃ'•pite the importance that market orientation playÃ'• in a companyÃ'• Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•, many companieÃ'• are unaware that their productÃ'• have a particular

Friday, August 23, 2019

Methods and tactics used to reduce gender and racial disparities in Essay

Methods and tactics used to reduce gender and racial disparities in prisons.-CRJ - Essay Example Lately the query about racial and gender disparities in prisons arises more occasionally and intensively, calling to implement specific instruments and tactics to diminish that phenomenon. Due to the statistic results African Americans and Hispanic lawbreakers are more likely to be convicted of felony than white people (Hartney & Vuong, 2009). Also in most cases the sentences of black people are longer. Disparity of arrest rates between racial groups strikes and scares drastically. Moreover, death penalty among colored prisoners is spread oftener than among white delinquents. In addition, there is a significant disproportion between male and female rates of criminality. All mentioned facts indicate the inequality in judicial system concerning offenders of different races and genders. According to stated problem several solutions that are aimed to reduce disparity can be recommended.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Of mice and men by John Steinbeck Essay Example for Free

Of mice and men by John Steinbeck Essay Studying stage Drama enables us to see into a world that is very different from our own and to feel compassion for those who are unable to take control of their own lives Of mice and men By John Steinbeck is a very interesting and compelling text, and positions us as the reader to accept Lennie as the victim even though he killed someone, we as the reader are given many insights that some of the other characters do not get to experience, and therefore can get this message as the dominant reading. The earliest accounts of the life of Lennie and George tells us a tale about Lennie and his accidents involving mice, Lennie who gets presents of mice from his aunt, crushes there heads, because he doesnt know his own strength, he loves the mice, and cared for them, but because of his love for the mice they bite him and he crushes the mouses heads, Lennie is definitely mentally retarded, and as such he does things that regular people would not do it would seem that Lennies mentality was not designed for his body, if he was a thin weedy man then he would have no problems, he could pet animals AND make them stay alive, but things arent always as we like them Because the playwright is trying to establish Lennie as the good guy we are also positioned at the scene of their last job, Lennie feels a ladies dress, the woman screams, he holds on, she starts yelling to the police, he holds, and as a result, poor George has to spend a night in a ditch and what was the reason? I only did it to feel how soft it was says Lennie, even though this is still fairly strange, you as the reader can relate to him and say well, it really isnt his fault. Now I know you are wondering, Why did Lennie hold on even through the screams and the yelling police, why didnt he just let go? consider this story, a young child between the ages of 1 and 3 is found near his dead mother, holding on for dear life, and mentally Lennie was much the same way whenever he gets scared or frightened, he will hold on to it, you cannot blame the woman for her reaction, a big tall man grabbing onto her dress, she has every right to feel threatened, and as a result, Lennie gets George into trouble, and they have to spend the night in the ditch. On the farm, curly is picking fights; not only is he picking fights but he is picking fights that he cant win, apart from his height, what exactly did Lennie do? He laughed, oh no, dear God, how will he survive? George was going to teach him a lesson, but he wanted Lennie, this time he went too far, Lennie didnt want to fight curly, but he gave him no choice, he was scared and frightened, and once again, the mentality issue shines brightly, he grabs Curlys hand and he doesnt let go, he crushes every single bone in his hand, and again Lennie is portrayed as the good guy, what else could he do? The final matter is the matter of Curlys wifes death, this even if he is retarded, still classifies as murder, no matter how much they try to sugar coat it, it is still murder, and he pays for it with his own death, he gave George, his best friend, no other choice other than to kill him for his own good, his strength, has been the cause of all these problems right from the beginning, and although you can feel sorry for him, he should have had more common sense, he was retarded, and there is nothing you can do about that, but he should have learnt what was right and appropriate, and killing innocent people, even if it was manslaughter, is still bad. And so we are given an insight into the life of Lennie, we feel compassion for him and George, we have been positioned to draw this conclusion, well, youd be hard pressed to try and prove he wasnt wouldnt you? It seams there is two cases of murder (not counting the various animal deaths) George isnt the bad guy because he did what was best for Lennie, and Lennie wasnt the bad guy because he is retarded.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Models of Information System Security

Models of Information System Security People who use the application will be made to install different levels of gateways and smart meters in their homes. The main security issue occurs at the authentication of these gateways and smart meters. Each smart device will be provided with an IP address. Attack can happen on these devices by reporting false readings on the smart meters, spoofing the IP address. There are some solution for the authentication problem. Public key infrastructure can be used in this case. Dieffie-Hellman key exchange proposes that smart meters can encrypt the data before it sends it to fog devices, Then the device are made to decrypt the data. Intrusions in smart grid can be detected by using a signature based method where any discrepancy in the pattern can be detected and raise a flag on possible misbehaviors. Biometric authentication is the most beneficial authentication method that could be used to provide accessibility. Biometric authentication like fingerprint authentication, facial recognition, eye retina recognition, etc. can be used in fog computing based authentication. There could be discrepancy in the authentication through man in the middle attack, mitigation of data theft, etc. Techniques based on infrastructure such as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) could be made to solve the problem, trusted executed environment (TEE) can also be considered in fog cloud computing. Measurement based method can be used to filter fake or unqualified fog cloud that is not within the vicinity of the end users which in turn will reduce the authentication cost. 4.2 USER ACCESS AND INTRUSION DETECTION Providing a control to access smart devices and cloud has always been a reliable tool which ensure the security of the system. Access control on cloud is achieved by exploiting techniques of several encryption schemes to build a access control in cloud computing. Intrusion detection techniques have been applied to mitigate attacks on virtual machine or hypervisor. Those intrusion detection systems can be applied on host machine to detect intrusions. 4.3 PRIVACY Since storage and computation are sufficient for both sides in a fog cloud , privacy-preserving techniques can be proposed. Privacy preservation algorithms can be run in between the fog and cloud since computation and storage are sufficient for both sides. We need privacy preserving techniques because users these days are more concerned about the risk of privacy leakage. Fog node usually collects data generated by sensor and end devices. Techniques like homomorphic encryption can be used to allow privacy-preserving aggregation at the local gateways without decryption. For statistical queries differential privacy method can be applied to ensure privacy of an arbitrary single entry in the data set. 4.4 TRUST MODEL In services like eCommerce, peer-to-peer (P2P), user reviews and online social networks reputation based trust model can be successfully implemented. Reputation based trust model is a simple method where parties are made rate each other after parties give their ratings a trust or reputation score is derived from the rates. A robust reputation system was proposed for resource selection in P2P networks using a distributed polling algorithm to assess the reliability of a resource.   We will have to tackle issues like ,   how to achieve persistent , unique and distinct identity   , how to treat intentional and accidental misbehavior. Apart from the models discussed above there are also trusting models based on special hardware such as Secure Element (SE), trusted Execution Environment (TEE) , or Trusted Platform Module (TPM), which can provide trust utility in fog computing applications. 4.5 POLICY DRIVEN SECURITY Policy collaboration is an important component in the middle layer of a fog computing model. Policy collaboration is introduced to support secure sharing and communication in a distributed environment. Since fog computing also involves communication with a physical component interaction this requirement gives rise to a new set of security problems which involves identity management, resource access management, dynamic load balancing, quality of service etc. Policy driven framework consists if the following modules. Policy decision engine : This module is programmed to make aggregated decisions on data provided by all components. Based on service requested by the target user, this engine analyzes the rules defined in policy repository and generates a decision which is later on enforced. Application administrator : The multi-tenant nature of the fog computing paradigm raises the requirement for an administrator to define policies and rules that bind a user to applications and allow secure collaboration and migration of client data across multiple functions that are owned by the application. Policy repository : A secure repository consisting of rules and policies which are referred by the Policy Decision engine while policy decision is made is called policy repository. Policy enforcer : policy enforcer is the most active component of the policy management framework . It resides within a virtual instance or cloud computing data center or within physical device such as mobile device , GPS system and connected vehicles. 4.6 MAN IN THE MIDDLE ATTACK: This is the most typical attack in fog computing. In this type of attack gateways serving as fog devices may be compromised or replaced by fake ones. Environment settings of stealth test: Man in the middle attack can be very stealthy in fog computing paradigm. This type of attack will consume very less resource in fog devices like , negligible CPU utilization and negligible memory consumption. Therefore traditional methods cannot expose  man in the middle attack. Man in the middle attack is simple to be launched but difficult to be addressed. Many applications running in fog computing environment are vulnerable to man in the middle attack. In future work is needed to address man-in-the middle attack in fog computing 4.7 MITIGATION OF DATA THEFT: Cloud computing faces new data security challenges. Existing protection mechanisms like encryption havent reached their mark in preventing theft attacks. To overcome it , a new technique was proposed monitor data access in the cloud and detect abnormal data access patterns. When unauthorized access is suspected and then verified using challenge question , a disinformation attack by returning large amounts of tricky information to the attacker. This protects against the misuse of the users real data. User behavior profiling : owners or authorized users of a computer systems are usually familiar with the files on the system .So any search on the files is limited and will have a pattern. When the data is accessed illegitimately there might be a familiar structure in contents of file system. This abnormal search behaviors that exhibit variations are monitored. Decoy technology: Trap files are placed within the file system. The trap files are downloaded by user are placed in highly conspicuous locations that are not like to cause interference with normal activity of the system. User who is not familiar with the file system is most likely to access the decoy files ,if the user is in for sensitive documents. So they can be trapped by using bait files. In some cases both these techniques can be combined to safeguard the data from theft.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A healthy heart

A healthy heart abstract A healthy heart is the key to good life .The heart is a vital organ of the human body which ensures the effective pumping of blood throughout the circulatory system. Due to our sedentary lives and food habits, the heart is prone to malfunctioning, and heart attack (i.e. coronary artery disease), is one of the primary cause of death [1]. Heart attack is caused by a blockage of the coronary arteries, typically at a site of narrowing (stenosis) caused by atherosclerosis. It is difficult to accurately determine the degree of atherosclerosis in arteries, particularly in the early stages of disease. One method that has been introduced is the intravascular ultrasonic catheter (IVUS), which sends a pulse of sound from a receiver and uses the returned echo to deduce the properties of the arterial tissues. Doppler Ultrasound is a similar a diagnostic, noninvasive technique which can effectively evaluate the blood flow velocity in the coronary arteries by passing the high frequency ultrasound waves into the blood using a single receiver. Our group has found that an improvement in velocity estimation can be obtained if the returned Doppler ultrasound echo is collected by multiple receivers and the information from those receivers is combined. The research proposed here will use simulation methods to determine the extent to which this same concept can be applied to multiple IVUS receivers. 1. introduction Doppler ultrasound provides a measure of the velocity distribution of blood throughout the volume of the artery. Because the signal is a superposition of echoes from multiple scatterers, the red blood cells, distributed in space, the signal at the receiver is subject to constructive and destructive interference. This phenomenon is called coherent scattering and is the primary reason that Doppler ultrasound signals are inherently noisy. The same phenomenon applies to ultrasonic imaging (B-mode imaging), in which the Doppler shift is ignored and only the magnitude of the returned signal is used to form an image of the tissue. However, in B-mode ultrasound, the scatterers are variations in the acoustic impedance of the tissue. Figure 1 shows a typical IVUS image [6]. Whereas it is possible to differentiate between the lumen, media and adventitia, the exact boundaries are difficult to determine as a result of the coherent scattering effects. 2. background 2.1. Principles of Ultrasonic B-Mode Imaging B mode imaging is typically used for ultrasound imaging as it facilitates the display of the echoes at various brightness or gray levels corresponding to their amplitude.[ee handbook] Most B-mode systems in use today create an image in 0.1 s or less, so that the image is displayed in real-time for viewing of moving structures, such as structures in the heart or the fetus moving within the womb. This is not possible with the typical magnetic resonance or computed tomography system. Most of these systems use the Doppler principle, but some use time domain detection. In Doppler detection, if the ultrasound is reflected from a target moving at some speed vt toward (away from) the source at an angle q with respect to the beam axis, the frequency of the transmitted signal f is shifted up (down) by an amount fD, the Doppler shift, according to the following relation: (116.4) In principle a measurement of fD, when f, c, and q are known, will yield the speed of the target vt. However, it is often difficult to determine q because the angle the transducer axis makes with a blood vessel, for example, is often unknown. Even when that angle is known, the flow is not necessarily along the direction of the vessel at every location and for all times Two-dimensional B-mode display: Echoes from a transducer, or beam, scanned in one plane displayed as brightness (or gray scale) versus location for the returned echo to produce a two-dimensional image. Duplex ultrasound: Simultaneous display of speed versus time for a chosen region and the two-dimensional B-mode image. B-mode display: Returned ultrasound echoes displayed as brightness or gray scale levels corresponding to the amplitude versus depth into the body fig 6 in devts in cardio vascular ultrasound.pdfdescribes input signal used B -mode (Brightness mode) ultrasound is the most commonly applied ultrasound technique for intracoronary artery visualization. B-mode images are made up of one dimensional signals from transducer crystals aligned in an arrays,which can also be displayed in two dimensional in the form of a sector[August et al].In This mode of imaging, depth and the brightness are the measure of radial axis and echo intensity. 2.1.1. Scattering of sound echo description fundamental sources of errors 2.1.2. Relationship between sound intensity and scattering coefficient The size of the scattering shadow is called the effective cross-section (s [cm2]) and can be smaller or larger than the geometrical size of the scattering particle (A [cm2]), related by the proportionality constant called the scattering efficiency Qs [dimensionless]: The scattering coefficient  µs [cm-1] describes a medium containing many scattering particles at a concentration described as a volume density s [cm3]. The scattering coefficient is essentially the cross-sectional area per unit volume of medium. Scattering coefficient: The factor that expresses the attenuation caused by scattering, e.g., of radiant or acoustic energy, during its passage through a medium. Note: The scattering coefficient is usually expressed in units of reciprocal distance. Attenuation: The decrease in intensity of a signal, beam, or wave as a result of absorption of energy and of scattering out of the path to the detector, but not including the reduction due to geometric spreading. [After JP1] Note 1: Attenuation is usually expressed in dB. Note 2: Attenuation is often used as a misnomer for attenuation coefficient, which is expressed in dB per kilometer. Note 3: A distinction must be made as to whether the attenuation is that of signal power Measurement of the intensity distribution of laser radiation using by VV Morozov 1979 Related articles All 4 versions of interaction between the light and sound, i.e., in which the scattering coefficient would depend linearly on the sound intensity. 2.1.3. Constructive and destructive interference Sound travels in the form of waves.These waves are associated with frequency and amplitude.From basic laws of physics it is known that intensity is directly proportional to amplitude of the wave which is the discriminating factor between different modes of ultrasound imaging.When these sound waves interact with each other interference occurs.The type of interference is determined by measuring the amplitude of the resultant wave formed by interaction of 2 sound waves.If the amplitude of 2 waves is either positive or negative then the resultant wave has larger amplitude.This phenomenon is known as constructive interference(or in phase interference). If the interacting waves have opposite amplitude then the resultant wave has a lower amplitude.This phenomenon is known as destructive interference(or out of phase interference). The interference type depends on the difference in distances that each wave has to take. In this context,if the ultrasonic signals are emitted from a single transmitter and captured from multiple receivers separated by a distance of half the wavelength, then we can observe constructive interference of returned echo amplitudes of the scaterrers locate d in region of interest at one receiver and destructive interference occurring at the second receiver located half the wavelength apart.[cite reference wu thesis book]. 2.1.4. Signal processing for B-Mode images (e.g. envelope detection) Intracoronary ultrasonic is done on envelope detection of the sum of (returned) echo signals from each receiver .there are many/three ways of envelope detection. One simpler method of doing it is to perform a full wave rectification on the returned echo followed by a low pass filtering to remove the side lobes of the signal. [rectify/demodulate the signal and process it by passing it through a low pass filter to remove the side lobes of the returned echo].though this method of envelope detection appears to be simpler, the operating center frequency for each of the returned signal is to be known and possibly tracked from time to time for changes. The second/another yet complex method of envelope detection is using Hilbert transform to get /generate/create a rational /methodical representation of the returned signal from each scatterer at each receiver. The advantage of using this method is that it is independent of the dampening effect present in the returned signal. (i.e. the changes in center frequency of the echo with time).The magnitude obtained from the complex signal is used as the final signal for ultrasonic imaging/next stage of converting into polar plots and plotting it using weighted average method . (refr:sprab12 page 11 and B-mode handbook).quadrature detection can also be used for extracting the envelope of the signal.refrce(high resolution ultrasound) 2.2. Current implementations of intracoronary imaging Heart disease can be diagnosed with the aid of Doppler and B-mode ultrasound, where the Doppler method provides a measure of flow rate and B-mode ultrasound provides an image. Generally these techniques, as typically used, do not have the spatial resolution to examine flow in the coronary arteries. Coronary artery geometry is diagnosed by injecting a radio-opaque dye into the artery with a catheter and taking x-ray images. However, this method does not specifically provide the locations of atherosclerotic lesions. It provides the internal geometry of the arterial lumen. Intracoronary Doppler ultrasound is a method in which a Doppler-tipped catheter is inserted into the coronary artery to measure blood velocity. IVUS uses a more complicated catheter that has an array of ultrasound crystals arranged in a ring at the tip of the catheter, and each crystal transmits an ultrasound pulse radially and then receives the returned echo. With multiple crystals, a 2-dimensional image of the cross -section of the arterial lumen can be reconstructed. This technique is currently capable of providing real time cross sectional images in vivo [3]. The main objective of Doppler ultrasound is to extract the flow velocity measurements and interpret them in physiologically significant variables through assumptions and velocity calculations [2]. The most fundamental quantity we consider is the flow rate as it best describes the extent of perfusion of blood in the region of interest [2] (i.e. a section of the coronary artery). The objective of IVUS is to obtain a mapping of the make-up of the artery as an image. Although IVUS uses several transmitter-receivers, only a single receiver is being used to capture the reflected ultrasound wave and to view the circumferential view of the artery. The problem involved by using a single receiver is that we miss many precise details about the physiological status of the artery due to its limited view and the obtained images are noisy because of coherent scattering. The possible solution can be to use multiple receivers to look at the region of interest from different angles to get a detailed view. The doctor can get a clear picture of the artery in terms of velocity, flow rate, the size of plaque present inside artery and can treat the patient in a better way. 2.2.5. Geometry of the transducers. We assume transducer as a point size spherical shaped piezoelectric crystal. Papers: B-mode handbook.pdf sprab12.pdf page 7 2.2.6. Transducer frequency response characteristics. The phrase frequency response characteristic usually implies a complete description of a systems sinusoidal steady-state behavior as a function of frequency. 2.2.7. Specifics of the transmitted signal from program 2.2.8. Signal conditioning and signal processing 2.3. Limitations of intracoronary imaging (particularly coherent scattering/scattering from multiple scatterers) One of the main problems encountered with Doppler and B-Mode ultrasound velocity estimation is coherent scattering of noise. Coherent scattering error is caused by the changes in phase of the reflected echo as the red blood cells enter and leave the sample volume. This phase depends on the distance of the transmitter to the scatterer and then to the receiver [5]. The main research objective is to simulate this process of multiple receiver Doppler ultrasound using Matlab simulation software and to see how well it improves the understanding of image quality and clarity. Even the state of art of image is to be observed using the simulations. paper : basic model of ivus.pdf page 8 Intravascular ultrasonic image quality remains poor due to speckle noise, imaging artifacts and shadowing of parts of vessel wall by calcifications. (Refce: intravascular ultrasound image segmentation.) 2.4. Previous work done on multiple receivers independence of coherent scattering noise in Doppler signals when receivers are sufficiently far apart. Velocity Measurements made/obtained over the region of interest (ROI) in an intracoronary artery have inherited velocity estimation errors due to coherent scattering. One of the methods to reduce these estimated errors is the use of multiple receivers .The echo received from each of the receivers will have some complementary information which not only improves velocity estimation, also contributes in enhancing the image clarity in a B-mode ultrasound image processing. [Jones, Krishnamurthy 2002] Improvement in velocity estimation is observed if returned Doppler ultrasound echo is collected and combined from all the multiple receivers. Most importantly the returned echo signal obtained at each receiver is independent of coherent scattering noise in Doppler signals when receivers are sufficiently far apart. In the case of an intracoronary artery, the RBCs are the major kind of multiple scatterers distributed in artery space. Since the returned echo signal detected/obtained at each of t he receiver is a summation of all the echo amplitude signals from multiple scatterers in the region of interest, they are subjected to constructive and destructive interference This way multiple receivers in B-mode can improve the image quality of B -mode intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) images. Initially a 2 dimensional geometry for the artery would be simulated. The transmitted signal would be generated using by a piezoelectric crystal in an ultrasound in real time applications. But in this proposed research, using Matlab, we first try generating a discrete signal using the pulse generator. Based on the defined parameters such as the frequency, pulse width, amplitude, pulse repetition time, artery geometry[r (?)], angle of transmission of the transmitted and received signal, the image would be extracted. Primarily, the signal from a single scatterer is modeled. In the advanced stages, multiple scatterer signals would be modeled. The following questions would be answered while doing the actual simulation. Each scatterer is modeled as a point source that reflects the transmitted signal with a set reflectivity. The scatterer does not alter the signals phase, but alters the amount of power that is returned to the receiver. Each receiver therefore is subjected to a signal that is the sum of returns from all of the scatterers, where it is important to keep track of the phases of the signals from each scatterer so that coherent scattering is adequately accounted for. The signal at each receiver is rectified and then averaged in time with a moving window to produce a signal that represents scattered power as a function of time. The range, corresponding to the location in the image, is proportional to the delay time of the returned signal. Each receiver will provide an image, and a composite image will be produced as the average over all of the receivers. 3.4.1. Transmitter/Receiver characteristics (transmitted frequency, beam width) 3.4.2. Speed of sound 3.4.3. Scattering coefficients for (1) Background and (2) Plaques The fraction of the incident energy reflected or scattered is very small for soft tissues like elastin collagen etc. [ee handbook] The differential Backscattering coefficient/scattering coefficient is the aspect that expresses the attenuation caused by scattering, of acoustic energy, while passing through a medium. The scattering coefficient ( µs) is usually expressed in units of reciprocal distance. There certainly lies a difference between the normal aortic intima and various kinds of atherosclerotic plaques. More than 90% of normal vessels usually have scattering coefficients in the range of 15 mm-1 to 36 mm-1 ,where as atherosclerotic plaques like the lipid rich blocks, fibrocalcific plaques have scattering coefficients lesser than 20 mm-1 [Levitz, Andersen et al ].The fibrous plaques which constituted elasin ,lipids and collagen demonstrated a relatively large variations in terms of scattering coefficient. Out of the three kinds of atherosclerotic plaques, fibrocalcific sample s do not show up as sharp regions in any kind of image and hence can be assumed as in homogeneities within the tissue wall having highly scattering coefficient. 3.4.4. Random numbers (particle location and scattering coefficients) 3.5. Signal Analysis (envelope detection) Hilbert Transform can be used to generate a time domain envelope. The point is to create a rectified signal that is more suitable for calculating a smooth envelope. In the frequency domain, magnitude data is already all positive, so I dont know why youd use Hilbert Transform. To get a spectrum envelope, just average several spectrum frames together. The key then is to choose correct frame size prior to FFT, which should be based on the nature of your data and the sampling rate you are using. Averaging will help your SNR and maybe you can differentiate key frequencies between good and damaged bearings. x = Hilbert (xr) returns a complex helical sequence, sometimes called the analytic signal, from a real data sequence. The analytic signal x = xr + i*xi has a real part, xr, which is the original data, and an imaginary part, xi, which contains the Hilbert transform. The imaginary part is a version of the original real sequence with a 90 ° phase shift. Sines are therefore transformed to cosines and vice versa. The Hilbert transformed series has the same amplitude and frequency content as the original real data and includes phase information that depends on the phase of the original data. If xr is a matrix, x = Hilbert (xr) operates column wise on the matrix, finding the Hilbert transform of each column. x = Hilbert (xr, n) uses an n point FFT to compute the Hilbert transform. The input data xr is zero-padded or truncated to length n, as appropriate. The Hilbert transform is useful in calculating instantaneous attributes of a time series, especially the amplitude and frequency. The instantaneous amplitude is the amplitude of the complex Hilbert transform; the instantaneous frequency is the time rate of change of the instantaneous phase angle. For a pure sinusoid, the instantaneous amplitude and frequency are constant. The instantaneous phase, however, is a saw tooth, reflecting the way in which the local phase angle varies linearly over a single cycle. For mixtures of sinusoids, the attributes are short term, or local, averages spanning no more than two or three points. Reference [1] describes the Kolmogorov method for minimum phase reconstruction, which involves taking the Hilbert transform of the logarithm of the spectral density of a time series. The toolbox function rceps performs this reconstruction. For a discrete-time analytic signal x, the last half of fft(x) is zero, and the first (DC) and center (Nyquist) elements of fft(x) are purely real. function h = hilb1(F, N, b, y)% The function h = hilb1(F, N, b, y) computes the Hilbert transform% of a function F(x) defined on the real line, at specified% values of y (y could be a scalar, vector, or matrix.) 8. bibliography, last accessed on 02/26/2008, 08:30 pm. Jones SA, Fundamental Sources of error and spectral broadening in Doppler ultrasound signals, Crc critical reviews in Biomedical Engineering, page(s):399-483, 1993. Van der Steen AFW, Cespedes EI, de Korte C.L, Carlier S.G , Li W, Mastik F, Lancke C.T, Borsboom J, Lupotti F, Krams R, Sermys P.W, Bom N,Novel developments in intravascular imaging, Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, IEEE, Volume 2, page(s):1733 1742, 1998. Kumar P and Shoukri MM, Copula based prediction models: an application to an aortic regurgitation study, BMC Medical Research Methodology, page 7:21, 2007. Jones SA and Krishnamurthy K,Reduction of coherent scattering noise with multiple receiver doppler, Ultrasound in Med. Biol., Volume 28, page(s): 647-653, 2002. Zhu H, Oakeson K D, and Friedman M H, Retrieval of Cardiac Phase from IVUS IVUS Sequences, Medical Imaging 2003: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing, Volume 5035, 2003 page(s): 1605-7422.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Folk tale Genre :: essays papers

Folk tale Genre The greatest treasure of every nation is its language. Fairy tales are part of the oral traditions of literature all over the world. The fairy tale is one of the forms of the people's linguistic arts where life and social system are reflected. Folklore, mythology, fables, tall stories, and other classic tales have been handed down, generation through generation. Countless treasures of human thought and experience still accumulate and live in the world even after thousand of years. Fairy tales appeared in the world a long time ago. Every culture has it is own variety of these stories. Although, fairy tales differ because of places, cultures, and periods their unique impact on teaching and entertaining of people has not been changed. Every class of people, in all parts of the world, has passed down this great tradition for generations, giving it popularity. Some scholars have studied reasons of why fairy tales still exist and continue to be told everywhere. They state that "stories may differ in subject from place to place, the conditions and purposes of tale telling may change as we move from land to land, from century to century, and yet everywhere it ministers to the same basic social and individual needs (15-18)". Fairy tale allows the reader and the wrier to go into a new imaginary world. There are many things to learn from the fairy tale. Tales in their simplest form have many reasons for being told. The psychologist, Bruno Bettelhiem, studied what is being learned from folk tales. He states: " Folk tales tell about the agonies of sibling rivalry, of wishes coming true, of the humble being elevated, of true merit being recognized even hidden under rags of virtue rewarded and evil punished (45-46)". In every telling of a fairy tale, an audience is eager to listen and retell the story to a new audience. The social values can be taken back to the history, and around to all parts of the world. The tales take the pulse of existence and of man's faculty of dreaming and communing. According to M.K. Thompson: " Curiosity about the past has always brought eager listeners to tales of long ago which supply the simple man with all he knows of the history of this tale (484-485)".

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Police Powers of Search, Arrest, and Interrogation Essay examples -

The Powers of Police Individuals have civil rights; people are entitled to be allowed to move freely and to have their person and their property respected. However the police must have sufficient powers to investigate crimes. Therefore Parliament has given the police special powers that can be used in certain circumstances. These powers include the rights to stop and search suspects, to arrest and interview people when necessary and to take fingerprints and samples (blood samples) for scientific analysis. Without the police having these certain powers then it would be nearly impossible to investigate any crimes. But it is also important for the police to remember that, at the same time, they do not unnecessarily harass ordinary people, and that those who are suspects are protected from overzealous police officers. The law on police powers is covered in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (also known as PACE) and the codes of practice under section 66 of PACE. There are five codes, running from code A to E. Code A deals with the powers to stop and search, code B deals with powers to search premises and seize property, code C deals with the detention, treatment and questioning of suspects, code D deals with rules for identification procedures and code E deals with tape-recording of interviews with suspects. This essay will discuss the police powers of search, arrest and interrogation, which are all covered by PACE 1984. The first item that this essay will be dealing with is the police's powers to stop and search. Under section one of PACE the police have the right to stop and search people and vehicles in a public ... ... as including torture, inhuman or degrading treatment and the use or threat of violence. Code C also gives protection to suspects who are being questioned in regard to the physical conditions of the interview. For example, the code says that interviews must be adequately lit, heated and ventilated and that suspects must be given adequate breaks for meals, refreshments and sleep. In theory the custody officer who is supposed to keep accurate records, should monitor the treatment of a suspect during their detention period. This should include the length and timing of interviews and other matters, such as visits of police officers to the defendants cell, so that any breaches of the rules will be obvious. However, research by Sanders and Bridges suggests that a substantial minority of custody records (10%) are falsified.

Infancy and Childhood Reflection :: essays research papers

Infancy And Childhood Reflection 1.) The shows I chose to watch are shows that children usually don't grow out of or are attracted to at a younger and older age.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Simpsons, a classic comedy which draws the majority of us in with its realistic family and practical witt. The family goes through hardship,excitement, triumph and everyday experience that most families go through. 'Homer' the father of the family is employed by the power plant and is in constant battles to keep his job. 'Marge' the wife of the family is edgy or easily becomes paranoid, her main job is to be a stay at home mom, however she often goes out and tries to become more distinguished in society by working outside the home. She tries several times to get a job but often realizes she can't part with her family for those few hours a day. She is the basic prototype of every average American mother. 'Bart' the families son is a brat, of course being the boy of the family they make him out to be the trouble maker mainly because most families direct evidence of mischief to the boy because they are more curiouse or perhaps more unaware of the consequences whi ch come along with right and wrong actions but they may also simply not care. Bart vandalizes things, humiliates several members of the schools faculty, steals items from stores and dis-respects his parents. All this seems quit bad for a children show but Barts softer side does come around once in awhile, for every wrong thing he does it later shows his guilt and the punishments that come along with misbehaving. 'Lisa' the families most prevailed member of the family, is of a much higher intelligence then the rest of the family and is not blind of her families social class and immmature behaviour excluding Marge. Lisa, however still loves her family and even though they irritate and ignore or fail to notice her natural talent and integrity she knows this is who they are and she most except this.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Highway Transportation System

Aims:Name the 3 parts of the main road transit system. Explain how and by whom the main road transit system is regulated. Describe 5 ways that you can cut down hazard when utilizing the main road transit system. Describe the 3 effects your emotions can hold on your drive. Describe 6 ways to command the effects your emotions may hold on your drive. Identify and depict the intent of regulative marks. Describe the actions to take at regulative marks. Identify the intent of warning marks. Describe how to react to warning marks. Identify the processs that are regulated by administrative Torahs. Describe how to follow with administrative Torahs.Procedure:Read Chapters 1, 3, 5, and 6.Take notes on the of import things you learned in these chapters listed supra.Take particular notes on added information you think is pretty of import.cReview the four chapters subsequently.Notes on New InformationAssessing & A ; Managing Risk ( Pg. 5 ) HTS means main road transit system. Engineers must be after the path of a main road, the building on Bridgess along the path, issue and entryway inclines, where traffic marks are traveling to be located, and anything else refering to the main road. About 4 million stat mis of roadways link the provinces, counties, metropoliss, and towns of the U.S. Some people nevertheless behave in an insecure or irresponsible mode. They drive recklessly, transverse streets without looking, and weave their motorcycles through heavy traffic. Knowing Yourself ( Pg. 39 ) Aggressive drive incidents have increased so much that there is even a term-road rage-to describe the force sometimes associated with these incidents. Let person else thrust if you have a deficiency of concentration. Avoid Triping Aggressive Drive by seting your feelings aside while you drive and merely concentrate on the route, instead than what is traveling on today. Ways to command your emotions are keep a responsible attitude, avoid triping aggressive drive, and place troublesome state of affairss. You can besides be after in front, expect errors from others, do n't drive when you ‘re depressed, do n't give in to negative equal force per unit area, and develop yourself to ever utilize the correct processs. You must hold clear country of cardinal vision, peripheral vision, and perpendicular field of vision in order to drive without disciplinary lenses. Long-run physical factors can impact your driving ability. As a younger individual, your reaction clip is likely to be faste r and your sense of sight keener than that of an older individual. Signs, Signals, Markings ( Pg. 77 ) Regulatory marks regulate or command the motion of traffic. These marks tell you and other drivers what you must make and what you must non make when you drive. Regulative marks are ruddy, white, black, green on white, or white on black. Most regulative marks have square, perpendicular rectangular, or horizontal rectangular forms. A ruddy circle with a ruddy cut on any of these marks means NO! You can acknowledge regulative marks by their colour and form. A output mark means you must decelerate down and give manner to traffic on the intersection or the route onto which you are unifying. Speed bound marks show the upper limit, or fastest, velocity allowed on a roadway. Driving faster than the posed velocity is illegal. Route markers are numbered roadways that crisscross the continent. White lines that are parallel to the roadway mark the lanes for traffic traveling in the same way. White arrows on the roadway place lanes from which you can drive consecutive in front or turn right or l eft. Rules, of the Road ( Pg. 97 ) Allowing a licence to run a auto is a map of province authorities. Trials may be verbal, written, or computerized trials to acquire your license. States can suspend or take away licences for a specified period of time- normally for 30-90 yearss. States can besides revoke licences or take it off for a twelvemonth or more. If your licence is revoked you can use for another licence. Make certain you ever have vehicle enrollment and insurance in your vehicle or with you at all times. All sates post velocity bounds on their roadways. These velocity bounds marks reflect the maximal velocity at which you can drive under the best of conditions. For illustration, you would n't drive at the maximal allowable velocity in the center of a blizzard, but you might on a clear twenty-four hours. A fixed velocity bound is the maximal and minimal velocity that a vehicle may be driven on a peculiar roadway. Drivers may ne'er lawfully go a velocity lesser or greater than this fixed velocity.Particular No tes:What you should make if you are in a hit?Stop instantly.Warn others if possible.Give assistance to the injured.Try to acquire medical aid.Name the constabulary.Exchange information.Get names and references of informants.Stay at the scene.Make accident studies.See a physician.Educational Materials:Student Materials: notebook, 2- 3.5 † Floppy Diskettes,Cadmium, pencil & A ; pen, reckoner, assigned text edition, and any other instructor provided stuffs.Reappraisal: Chapters – 1,3,5, & A ; 6Chapter 1: Assessing and Pull offing Risk- Whenever you walk or ride on our state ‘s streets and roadways, you become portion of the main road transit system. It is really of import to larn how to utilize the system safely and responsibly.Lesson one: The Highway Transportation System and Risk ManagementLesson two: Understanding and Using the SIPDE ProcessLesson three: Understand and Using the Smith SystemLesson four: : The Value of Taking a Driver ‘s Education CourseChapt er 3: Knowing Yourself- Whenever you get behind the wheel of a vehicle, you must be certain that you are both physically and emotionally fit to drive. It ‘s of import to acknowledge and command physical and emotional factors that might impair the drive undertaking.Lesson one: Emotions Affect Your Driving AbilityLesson two: How Vision Affects Your Ability to DriveLesson three: Impermanent Physical Conditionss That Affect Your Ability to DriveLesson four: Long-run Physical Factors That Affect Driving AbilityChapter 5: Signs, Signals, and Markings- Good drivers understand the function of communicating. The marks, signals, and markers you see on the roadway are a critical agency of communicating. It is besides really of import that you understand the messages that they communicate. Lesson one: Understanding Regulatory and Warning Signs Lesson two: Guide and International Signs Lesson three: Understanding the Purpose of Pavement Markings Lesson four: : Reacting to Traffic Control Signals Chapter 6: Rules of the Road- Drivers belong to the society of roadway users. In a smoothly running society, members agree to follow the regulations. It is of import that you learn the regulations of the route in order to be a responsible member of the roadway community.Lesson one: Each State Has Administrative LawsLesson two: Right-of-Way Rules are EssentialLesson three: Speed Limits Help in Reducing HazardLesson four: : If You Are Involved in a Collision

Friday, August 16, 2019

Insurance in 2020

INSURANCE 2020 – THE PATH AHEAD Introduction Insurance is a social device which help the public to transfer the risk which is integrated part of the human life. It’s been years this term called insurance generated. Now one of the most emerging and greening sector in India is insurance. The needs and preference of a customer is changing day by day. The people are more aware about the need for diverting the risk to a third party by taking insurance. They also consider insurance as an investment. Now day’s insurance companies are following certain marketing strategies. It includes understanding needs and preference of the customers by conducting marketing research and customizing the products and services to the benefit of the society. The companies follow different retail and wholesale distribution channels to reach the customers. Agents, Bancassurance, Brokers and others are some of the distribution channels which prevail in the current market. This paper talks about considering the current facts and features of insurance sector in India, what will be the insurance scenario in 2020. It also talks about upcoming marketing strategies and distribution channels in 2020. Objectives of the study †¢ Primary Objectives o Identify the major changes in the Indian insurance sector on a road to 2020 †¢ Secondary Objectives o Analyze the consumer perception of insurance how it can be tackled by the insurance companies in the upcoming future o Identify the future marketing strategies of insurance as a business in 2020 o Identify the distribution channels of insurance in 2020 and how the features are differentiated themselves from the current distribution channels Research Methodology Descriptive research method is followed in this study Change in Indian insurance industry by 2020 Indian insurance is expected to be going through a significant change of 70% as per the survey conducted by IBM insurance 2020 survey 2006. Among the 30 samples taken 30 % states that insurance industry will be having an incremental change of 30 % by the end of 2020. [pic] There are some reasons for saying that the Indian insurance industry will be facing significant change. The customers are living in era of latest technology and advanced services in which customers are treated not as king, he is the god which decides the existence of a company whether it deal with products or services. If the business fails to please their lord i. e. customers then there won’t be any existence for that particular business. Because of the latest technologies strengthening the demand and bargaining power of customers the customers are active and well informed about the services that they can get from the insurance companies. Another reason would be the increasing competition among the players in Indian insurance sector. Each company is trying to get a competitive edge over other companies by giving most importance to the word ‘Innovation’. The companies can’t run their business without innovation because all the businesses believe in ‘survival of the fittest’. And more over the customer wants the companies should predict their needs and preference well in advance and to serve them. Last but not the least people consider insurance as a strategic investment in life or we can put forward like people consider insurance as life time planning which starts from cradle to graveyard. Now it’s time for us to think about the upcoming trend of Indian insurance industry in the coming years. The ultimate users of the insurance services are people. When companies target people for selling or marketing of insurance they will think only think about their demographic characters like age, income, family etc. But classifying the customers as per their demographic characters and social characters may not help the insurance companies to survive for future. Insurance companies need to further classify the people into innovators and non innovators. Innovators are the people who buy the product or service as and when it reaches the market. Innovators are early buyers of the product. Non innovators are late buyers. Now the point to be discussed is what is the relevance of innovators in a service sector like insurance and why people should buy insurance policies or plans as and when it reaches the market. As I mentioned earlier insurance policies are good stage for strategic investments. When a share or a fund of a blue chip companies are announced in the market, people would be demanding those funds even if it is not there in market. In future most of the companies would be designing their insurance plans as a strategic investment plus risk covering plan, so such companies would targeting high growth funds or shares. So when an insurance company launch their new insurance products in market they will be targeting innovators. Another reason for targeting innovators is that the people who are in the category of non innovators would seek the advices from innovators during purchase of services since innovators are opinion leaders in the market. Another important trend that, the insurance sector would be mostly adopted the concept of virtual office in terms of physical presence. The technology is so updated, now it self a consumer can avail the facilities of insurance companies through the use of internet. Another reason for this trend would be increasing the number of insurance companies in the market. This also will pressure the companies to fully adopt the concept of virtual insurance. The insurance companies in 2020 will be targeting a modern value chain which is the collection of process and services that are linked together to create, develop, sell, deliver, process and service an insurance policy over the life of the contract. It would be hard to find the paper documents or trend of e-documents are no longer away from the insurance market in 2020. The insurance products that is going to capture the markets would be rather known as insurance packages which would cover all the risk of a human being in his life time i. e. once if he is taken an insurance plan it will cover all the risk till his death and investment requirements. The insurance products in 2020 would be concentrating on the concept of ‘Just in Time insurance’ as a person moves through set of spaces. Each stage of his life would be consisting different set of spaces. The new insurance package policies would be concentrating this set of spaces in human life. Insurance sector is one of the mostly regulated sectors in India. The economic crisis which struck globally will be forcing the IRDA and other regulatory bodies to come out with more rules and regulations especially in the foreign institutional investments and foreign direct investment. In 2020 the barriers in availing facilities of insurance with in the boundaries of the respected country, would be started to change since the insurance sector itself demands the emergence of a globally accepted standard of global insurance bodies. Another important thing that we can see sometimes before 2020 would the concept of ‘risk – to – opportunity’. Climate change is big question mark for the insurers. We can see a trend of insurer responds to climate change also. Considering the carbon trade and green business development project the insurance sector can’t close its eyes towards the natural environment. The insurance packages that are going to be prevailing in the insurance market will have certain features. It would a socially enabled product which would be designed to market through online word of mouth. It would also concentrate the concept of a mass produced, multi – component pre-packaged one click solutions which will find a gap in the market place. These packages would be allowing plan conversion exchange which would allow people to convert defined contribution assets into income for life through making into annuities. Another important point to be discussed is that considering the latest technologies that is going to be adopted by the insurance scenario in 2020, most of the insurance companies will have direct tie up with software companies for the use of Information Technology [pic] Marketing strategies of Indian insurance sector in 2020 Indian insurance marketing strategies mainly concentrating on the concept of CRM i. e. customer relationship management. Since insurance sector concentrating on the societal and demographic features of customers, future CRM would be all about creating online communities of customers via emerging social media, such as face book, twitter and similar websites. The companies will take initiative to create such communities which will increase the customer handling efficiency of the company. Another strategy that the insurance companies started to adopt is 80:20 principles. It means retaining the customer who contributes to the majority of the business and serving him as the primary customer. Concentrating in the existing customers will help to get business through cross selling and reduction of the acquisition cost of a new customer. Another trend in the marketing strategies adopted by insurance would be based on the concept of ‘being with the customer’. For example if there is an insurance policy for a corporate is being taken, while providing statements and newsletters the insurer include success stories and pictures that people in that particular corporate works. The future climate of insurance will be forced to emerge new distribution marketing strategies. We can see different strategies for each distribution channels. Banks have long established programs and accounts for ‘young savers’, and have made available courses on handling credit for teenagers. In the future insurance arena, a similar program might involve school presentations on the mechanics of risk, or, rather than the typical sponsorships of sports, taking a logical next step with youth organizations. These kinds of steps include activities such as insurance sponsored clubs which will tune the kids mainly in the concepts of risk management and practising safety in their environment where they interact most. One another strategy would be different approaches to people who have different demographic characteristics. For example, old aged customers can be approached with statistical details and promotional campaigns while the younger group prefers the carries like orkut, face book and other online communication devices. The trend show like more and more consumers are increasingly disenchanted with mass marketing and seek individual attention as well as customization of their customer interactions. The next generation of risk management is one where the focus is not on simply mechanizing the processing of data, but on modelling and automating the smart processing of risk information. The upcoming insurance industry is going to take advantage of social technologies in two ways, like first would be empowering the agents to take advantage of social media as their CRM systems. It is the best way to reach the customers with common interests, while the other is connecting with people engaged in similar occupation. Second would be the extreme widening of products and services. Innovative thinking needs to be built in existing products around their social ability and connectivity. The life insurance business has innovated in less obvious ways by combining coverage’s and adding flexibility to standard coverage’s. Life companies need to attack the oft-quoted maxim that ‘life insurance is sold, not bought’ and overcome the negative perceptions that plague this industry. Change in the distribution channel and their features Insurance companies have got different distribution to reach the customers. It would include agents, brokers and Bancassurance. The upcoming trend in case of distribution channel has to be compared with each of these levels. An insurance agent is a person who identifies himself and the insurance company of whom he is an insurance agent. Earlier insurance companies were used this particular distribution channel, they only require people to sell their products. Now days the trend of insurance companies is selecting the agents changed because these are the persons who represent the company in front of the public. By 2020 the concept of virtual office would come into play. And any person named as agent, he would be having information not only about the product, he will be an expert to advise the customer about how to do the strategic investment and investment options etc. The insurance marketplace is undergoing a transformation that may eventually lead to significant changes in how consumers purchase insurance products. A variety of distribution channels are currently used in this market place and some insurers utilize a combination of distribution channels. In terms of Bancassurance when the insurance products are sold as a third party products along with banking products. In the new era it would be in a relation with the banking product which functions jointly. Another important trend that you can expect from the market would the concept of ‘hyper –efficient direct distribution model’. This concept would be working the idea of super low cost of solution. Now days when the insurance companies are using the multiple distribution channels to reach the customers, the cost associated with this purpose is increasing. Because of the non-traditional competitors have much lower distribution costs than insurers, insurers face intense pressure to operate more efficiently. Distribution costs are one of the largest expense items associated with life and annuity policies. In the upcoming years we can see the trend of an emerging hyper – efficient distribution model which works on low cost. Change in consumer perception of insurance Indian consumers have big influence of emotions and rationality in their buying behaviour. There are certain factors which are going to be very crucial in 2020 in terms of buying behaviour of insurance. They are: †¢ Company loyalty †¢ Services quality †¢ Ease of procedures †¢ Satisfaction level †¢ Company Image †¢ Company Client Relationship Initially the Indian insurance sector was in the major hands of LIC. The people didn’t have a second name or second thought to think from where they should take the insurance plan or policy. Now the trend is changing. The main proof of the change is that the monopoly entertained by LIC was started to capture shares by other private companies. The private players are also able to provide the services and they are also able to generate the trust as LIC could create among the mindset of people. The private companies pitch the products in such a way that it was more acceptable to the customers. For example, One of the promotional objectives designed was to create a feel good factor around retirement and change customers’ perception of retirement as a mark of old age and loss of financial independence. Today’s behavioural patterns are different rather than the traditional ones, but still predictable. The concept of predictive analytics as applied to consumer behaviour follows reaction to control triggers (like marketing campaigns) and thus allows companies to manage their customer portfolio into an optimal spread on a value/ loyalty matrix. The consumers are expecting an insurance product/service like a direct sale of mid market lifetime income solution with a lower premium which also helps to invest for future purpose. Challenges of Indian Insurance Sector on a road towards 2020 One of the big challenges that are going to be faced by 2020 would be estimating local market potential for insurance products is continual challenge for the insurance industry. One solution for this big challenge would the concept of ‘insurance CLOUT’. Based on the actual purchase patterns, the idea like insurance CLOUT provides the most reliable local estimates for all type of insurance products and includes key detailed information like household counts, policy deductibles and premiums. Insurance CLOUT includes both current year estimates and five year projections for all of the data provided. Insurance CLOUT helps you to focus the marketing strategies of a business. It’s an indispensable tool for numerous marketing applications like †¢ Allocating market dollars against market potential †¢ Estimating potential for specific products within local markets †¢ Identifying high opportunity areas †¢ Measuring agency performance relative to market potential This idea also helps to assess the key market potential data for insurance companies. Conclusion The study was trying to give some information about the picture of insurance preferences and features in 2020. It identifies the factors that are going to be very crucial in terms of consumer buying behaviour with respect to insurance. The marketing strategies and distribution channels are also tried to portray considering the big limitation of the uncertainty of future. The study states that as time passes insurance sector in India will be undergoing through changes which can be giving a new face for the Indian insurance sector in 2020. As the insurance industry will be facing difficulties along with the rest of its financial services brethren to operate in the current global recession, it must consider the actual value of true innovation. No insurance business can’t exist in business in the upcoming future with out innovation. Innovation can come in the form of modified process, new business models, distribution channels and simple organizational changes. Innovation with out knowing the consumer buying behaviour would be fruitful. Creating innovative products like energy savings insurance, innovative renewable energy project insurance products, green building insurance and insurance for developing world (Micro insurance) would help the insurance companies to smoothen their road towards 2020. In the upcoming trend of insurance will be focusing on ‘pay as you live and active risk management in which active risk management means where proactive actions are taken to reduce total impact of risk. REFERENCES: †¢ Insurance 2020 – Insurance beyond old models by IBM †¢ Ceres report ‘From risk to opportunity’ 2008 by Evan mills [pic]